Q. HP L1720 17 吋 LCD Monitor UnLock Menu?
Error Message:欲調整 HP L1720 17 吋 LCD 螢幕邊框設定值,但是均無法調整螢幕且出現如下訊息:
OSD Locked
詳細資訊請參考 HP Flat Panel Monitor - Locking and Unlocking the OSD,簡單來說要「鎖定」或是「解除鎖定」皆是 按住 Menu 鍵 10 秒 即可切換狀態。
- If the OSD is locked, press and hold the Menu button for 10 seconds to unlock the OSD.
- If the OSD is unlocked, press and hold the Menu button for 10 seconds to lock the OSD.