Traffic 套件可用來統計指定網卡的各種封包流量 (例如 目前、最大值、平均、總流量的資料流量及傳送跟回覆的 IP 封包...等) 是個簡潔有力又不佔資源的套件。流量分析將顯示網路介面IP的流量,它顯示資料包括 目前、最大值、平均、總流量 資料流量及傳送跟回覆的 IP 封包。文章目錄
步驟1.安裝 traffic 套件
步驟2.開始使用 traffic
4、Traffic 參數說明
- FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE-p18
- traffic-0.1.r4
步驟 1. 安裝 traffic 套件
切換至 Ports Tree 路徑安裝 traffic 套件。# cd /usr/ports/net/traffic //切換到安裝路徑
# make install clean //安裝套件並清除暫存檔案
步驟 2. 開始使用 traffic
鍵入如下指令開始對指定的網路卡 (fxp0) 及網段 進行流量監控。# traffic -i fxp0 -c //統計流量
4、Traffic 參數說明
traffic -c class -c 為指定統計網段
-i interface -i 為指定統計網卡介面
-r refresh -r 指定統計畫面更新時間,預設為 1 秒
-u unit -u 指定統計流量單位,預設為 Bytes
-l file -l 統計結果寫入指定檔案
-t -t 啟動統計流量 Total 值(最下方)
-C columns -C 指定統計流量欄位,預設欄位為 cptP
-D -D 發現新主機
-P -P 只統計虛擬 IP
-c class Watch all IP in specified class . Format is aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd/xx.
-i interface The name of network interface.
-r refresh Display refresh timeout. Default is 1 second.
-u unit Data size unit. Bit, B, kBit, KB, mBit, MB, gBit, GB . Default is B.
-U unit Total data size unit. Bit, B, kBit, KB, mBit, MB, gBit, GB . Default is MB.
-l file File which will contain dump of statistics.
-f file File which include list of IP to watch.
-s column Sort display by column.
-R Enable reverse sorting.
-t Enable summarize line
-C columns Specify initial columns sequence. Default is: cptP
-e file Specify file which contain list of excluded IP's.
-E host/net Specify exluded host or network, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx
-x file Specify file which contain list of excluded IP's traffic.
-X host/net Specify exluded host or network traffic, xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx
-d Enable daemon mode. Logging only to file.
-D Discovery new hosts.
-P Watch only private network IP.
-T timout Exit after timeout.
-H Enable RevDNS.
-v Print version,
a <column> Add column to display.
d <column> Remove column from display.
u <unit> Change data unit size.
U <unit> Change total data unit size.
R Enable/Disable reverse sorting.
t Enable/Disable summarize line
q Exit application.
? Display help screen.
h Host IP.
c Current data transfer rate.
m Maximum data transfer rate.
a Average data transfer rate.
s Total data transfer rate.
p Current packets flow rate.
P Total number of transmitted packets.
o Average packets flow rate.
O Maximum packets flow rate.
M MAC address.
H Hostname.
t TCP current flow.
u UDP current flow.
i ICMP current flow.
T Total TCP flow.
U Total UDP flow.
I Total ICMP flow.
1 Byte = 8 Bits所以 Kbps/8 = KByte,以一般 ADSL 速率 1M/64k 為例(ADSL皆以bits為單位),在經過換算後真正應為 128/8 KBytes 才對,所以看你習慣看什麼單位就切換到哪個單位吧。 b Bits.
B Bytes.
k Kilobits.
K Kilobytes.
m Megabits.
M Megabytes.
g Gigabits.
G Gigabytes.