Failover Cluster 警告 - Computer Object could not be updated

Q. 在 Failover Cluster 運作環境中,出現「Computer object could not be updated」的錯誤訊息?

Error Message:
當建立好「容錯移轉叢集」(Failover Cluster)運作環境後,進行相關操作時常常會出現下列錯誤訊息說明無法更新 Computer Object? 例如,建立 SOFS 服務時,雖然在 DC 網域控制站中還是有出現 SOFS 電腦帳戶,但就是會出現警告訊息?
The Computer object associated with cluster network name resource 'Backup' could not be updated.
The text for the associated error code is: Unable to protect the Virtual Computer Object (VCO) from accidental deletion.
The cluster identity 'WSFC$' may lack permissions required to update the object. Please work with your domain administrator to ensure that the cluster identity can update computer objects in the domain.

簡單來說,這個問題發生的原因在於「容錯移轉叢集電腦帳戶」(本次實作環境為 WSFC),不具備 DC 網域控制站中「Computers」容器「Create Computer objects」的權限所導致。只要讓「容錯移轉叢集電腦帳戶」具備權限即可。

請開啟 Active Directory Users and Computers 後依序點選「View > Advanced Features」,接著點選「Computers > Properties」,在彈出的 Computers Properties 視窗中點選至「Security」頁籤,然後點選「Advanced > wsfc$ >  Edit」勾選「Create Computer objects」項目即可。

後續,再次嘗試建立 SOFS 服務時,容錯移轉叢集電腦帳戶因為具備新增 Computers 容器物件的權限,便不會再出現警告訊息了。
